Great Wall Restaurant Marele Zid

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Menu Selection

Chinese New Year Festival
Chinese New Year festival

The Great Wall Restaurant has menus for all budgets and for all occasions. Thus, one can find at The Great Wall relatively inexpensive Chicken Soup or Sweet-Sour Soup, to banquet-type dishes like Chrysanthemum Perch or Squirrel Perch, whose look and taste are truly impressive.
Some of the most popular dishes at The Great Wall are Shrimps with Vegetables and Tomato Sauce, or Shrimps with Caju Sauce, whose quality is guaranteed to impress our guests.
For customers pressed for time, we recommend Fried Chicken with Mushrooms, Fried Chicken with Chilli Sauce, the Hot Beef Platter with Vegetables  or the Spicy Chicken Platter.
Also popular with our customers are the Yu-siang Beef with Sweet-Sour Sauce, Almond Chicken and Gong-bao Pork.
Vegetarian Dishes
The Great Wall Restaurant is also providing vegetarian dishes such as Sweet-Sour Eggplant, Chinese Cabbage and Bamboo with Chinese Mushrooms.
Ca orice restaurant chinezesc care se respecta, Marele Zid ofera mancaruri pentru toate ocaziile. Astfel, de la supele de pui cu bambus sau supa acra-iute, meniurile devin din ce in ce mai sofisticate : un peste-crizantema sau un peste-veverita, spre exemplu, arata impresionant, sunt gustoase si sunt foarte potrivite pentru mesele de protocol sau alte ocazii festive.
Va recomandam deasemenea crevetii cu legume si sos de tomate, sau crevetii cu sos caju, a caror calitate o garantam.
Pentru clientii aflati in criza de timp, le recomandam puiul prajit cu ciuperci, puiul prajit cu sos chilli, platoul incins de vita cu legume, platoul de pui condimentat, vita Yu-siang cu sos acru-dulce, puiul nostru cu migdale, precum si porc Gong-bao.
Meniuri pentru vegetarieni
Pentru cei care nu consuma carne, va recomandam vinetele cu sos dulce-acrisor, varza chinezeasca sau bambus cu ciuperci chinezesti.
Va asteptam cu placere la Marele Zid !
Temple of Heaven, Beijing
Temple of Heaven, Beijing

Restaurant Marele Zid

Str. Vasile Alecsandri    Timisoara  ~  Romania

Tel: +40-256-432188